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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python: Best Practices

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python: Best Practices for Development by Kenneth Reitz, Tanya Schlusser

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python: Best Practices for Development

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python: Best Practices for Development Kenneth Reitz, Tanya Schlusser ebook
ISBN: 9781491933176
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
Format: pdf
Page: 80

Welcome to The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python. The section does not aim to cover best practices for Python project development as a whole. This part of the guide focuses on best practices for writing Python code. Following some simple best practices can save both you and others a lot of time. TODO section in README should list the planned development for the code. This guide is currently under heavy active development. A Byte of Python (Python 2 and 3); TheHitchhiker's Guide to Python! In order to make The Guide easier to digest, all contributions should fit within the much information on subjects that don't directly relate to Python development. Start with the official Python tutorial! If you'd like to help, fork us on GitHub!

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